Wednesday 15 June 2016

Scarborough - 29th May to 3rd June

When we arrived in Scarborough on the 28th May did I realise I'd still be there on the 3rd June, but when you get Force 5 to 7 occasionally 8 the North Sea is an unpleasant place.  Here are a few photos of Scarborough taken during my stay.  Steve left on the Thursday 2nd June to travel home to Oxford as it was obvious we were not going to be going anywhere soon!

Scarborough beach looking North
Scarborough Yacht Club have their club house at the end of the harbour breakwater, what a great venue.  They allowed me to venture up the tiny spiral stair case to see the views from the top.

Looking over the beach from the town area

Every day I checked the 0600 weather forecast and walked Captain to the sea wall to check the sea conditions.  Every day it was the same force 6 or 7, occasionally 8!  The sea although it doesn't look it in the photograph was big, with large rollers coming in. Even the locals were saying the fisherman were not going out until Monday the 6th June! 

The view from up by the Castle

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