Thursday 16 June 2016

Arbroath to Peterhead - 11th June 2016

A very long, wet and grey day but achieved another 67 miles today (that's a channel crossing for many southern yachties) from Arbroath to Peterhead, 12 hours.

I was up early as usual and left immediately I had obtained my £10 deposit back on the gate key and the half tide lock gates were opened at 0700. It rained heavily for much of the night so wasn't looking forward to today's journey. Luckily we got away with light drizzle most of the day but everything still gets wet.

I passed Montrose, Stonehaven and Aberdeen where there was lots of commercial traffic. Passed what looked like an impressive castle in the mist and gloom and finally rounded the headland and Peterhead came into sight.  A very busy commercial harbour. Three north sea supply vessels left while I was entering and two vessels heading north past by to seaward. 

Moor rain!
Off Aberdeen, lots of North Sea Oil traffic
The Navigator at his desk
Laptop with SeaPro software
Engine controls and electrical switches
The power station south of Peterhead
Captain taking a look at Peterhead
Entering Peterhead
Peterhead marina
Another beach for Captain in Peterhead
 I'm starting to keep a close eye on the weather for getting to the Orkneys. Only Whitehills and Wick to go before the big one, the Pentland Firth! Currently the weather looks very unstable and the forecasts do not reflect the actual weather so it will be interesting to see the 5am forecast tomorrow to see if I will be going anywhere.

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