Tuesday 31 May 2016

Dover to Ramsgate - 15th May

Departed at 0630 from Granville dock with the help of the harbour master to guide the boat out as the wind was from a difficult direction and tradewind boats do not go backwards like their modern counterparts.

Called up Dover Port Control to exit the marina and enter the harbour.  I wanted to exit by the East entrance and was given permission to transit inside the sea wall the knuckle light house and report in again.  At 0645 as no shipping was inbound or outbound I exited quickly and headed to the north.  There was quite a swell outside the harbour but great views of the white cliffs of Dover.  At 0730 Dover disappeared behind the white cliffs. 

As the weather was calm I had decided to go inside the Goodwin sands, the graveyard of many ships, I passed the towns on the coast of Kent such as Deal and Sandwich before approaching Ramsgate.  The sea was very uncomfortable on the approach as I slowly made my way up the channel towards the entrance.

Just outside I called Ramsgate Harbour Control for permission to enter which was granted.  Once inside I called the marina for a berth and berthed on F21. 

It was good to see a very smart tradewind 35 Call Me Ishmael with he new owner Mark who had only recently purchased he.  He was heading for the Solent.  After a brief chat he set off for Dover and places West. 

I took rather a liking to Ramsgate, although one of the many historic seaside towns it retains some of its charm with a row of arches lining the seafront below the town.  A lovely beach extends to the north of the town towards Broadstairs   Captain loved his walk along the beach and playing with his new found doggy friends.

16th May

Ian Sumnall a former work colleague joined me for a week’s sailing.  Once settled in Ian and I walked Captain along the beach to a cafĂ© for a cup of tea before returning though the shoreline park to Ramsgate. 

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