Thursday, 7 July 2016

Whitehills to Wck - 20th June 2016

After so long stuck in Whiltehills I was beginning to think I would never leave, but on the morning of the 20th June, the forecast was at last reasonable and from the vantage point of the harbour breakwater I could see the sea was a lot flatter than it had been over the past week.  Time to move.

Ahead of me lay nearly 50 miles of open sea. I would be crossing the vast majority of the Moray Firth in one go.  There were no ports of refuge along the route.

The mountains at still visible behind me even though I am nearly 40 miles from Whitehills and probably 60 miles from the mountains.  Shows how massive they are!
On route I pass latitude 58 degrees north.

As you approach Wick from the sea it really does feel as though you are at the top of the country as the land beyond Wick slopes away to nothing as you look north.

The Whitehills web cam showing the harbour during the storm

Not quite calm enough to leave yet.
My route and track across the Moray Firth, no place to hide 
Sailing at last, leaving Whitehills behind
The mountains still visible 40 miles away
The entrance to Wick harbour, challenging in a south easterly but calm today!
Safely moored in Wick
I really am quite far north
The dockside in Wick looks rundown but there are some nice views along the river

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